UA-113037738-1 American Cup | Atlanta, GA |
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2024 American Cup

august 24, 2024

 2024 American Cup

This event is a qualifier for the 2024 World Powerlifting Games!
DNA Strength, 3039 Amwiler Rd., Suite 112, Atlanta, GA 30360
Competition Options:
> FULL POWER    > PUSH PULL    > SQUAT (Only)    > BENCH (Only)    > DEADLIFT (Only)    >Strict Curl

Lifting Categories:

>Raw/Raw Classic (Knee Sleeves/Wraps)  




>Geared-Multi-ply  >Equipped-Single-Ply    




>Open   >Juniors (ages 20-23)   >Submasters   >Masters   >Teenage   >Youth (ages 10-12)   >Novice   >M/P/F 


>Para-Lifter   >Kids Club (kids 10 & under)

Weigh-In Schedule

· Early Weigh-In:  Friday, May 3rd from 9:00 am - 11:00 am & 4:00 - 6:00 pm 

· Late Weigh-In - Meet Day:  From 7:00 - 8:00 am (by request only)

Step #1: Go to the Membership App button in the upper right-hand corner on this page. Then, make your membership selection, between the VIP Lifetime or the Annual Membership.


Step #2: In order to register for this event go to the yellow Register Now button near the top of this page.  

Step #3: Click on the PayPal button and select your entry option from the drop down arrow. 

Standard Registration Fee for Full Power:  $120.00

Crossover and/or Strict Curl Fee: $50.00 

Registration Fee for Full Power in Divisions - M/P/F, Teenage and Youth:  $105.00

Registration Fee for Push Pull, Squat, Bench or Deadlift only:  $95.00

Kids Club Entry Fee:  $25.00

Team Entry: $80 

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