UA-113037738-1 Featured Lifters | 365powerlifting
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Featured Lifters

365 SWPF is devoted to promoting "YOU" the lifter!  Images speak much louder than any words and in powerlifting's the "act" that creates the image! Feature page of 365 Strong, current stars.

Bobby Strother WR 662.5 lb

Travis Salmons 683.4 lb squat

Corey McManus M2 World Record

Zach Swayne -242 SP Record


Josef Morrow-WR 140lb Curl

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Linsey Eudy Submasters BP Record

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Morgan Long-148 DL Record

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Bill, Joey & Doug Pose

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Bill Gillespie, Masters bench record holder interview

Duncan Hundley 1135 Squat Record

365 - Duncan H - plarform ready.jpg

Brittney Gagne DL's for a World Record Total

365 Strong Empowering our Youth

365 Strong HOF Class of 2023!

Honoring our M/P/F Athletes

Shannon Nash breaks the ALL-TIME WORLD RECORD BENCH 380 @ 181

It only took Jason Legrand 4 meets to post s 2226 total and an All-Time National Record!

Kole Carter breaks the WORLD RECORD at the 2018 World Games in the Masters Division!

Dustin McClure holds the National Federation Record for single-ply 165 & 181 lb classes! 

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