UA-113037738-1 FAQ | 365powerlifting
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Frequently Asked Questions

How long has the 365 SWPF been around?

Our federation was founded in January 2016, so 2025 starts our 10th year of operations


How many members do you have?

At present our membership has grown to over 5,500 members. Approximately 67.5% are VIP Lifetime members (paid a one-time fee) and 32.5% subscribe to an Annually renewable membership. Annual members have the option of upgrading to the VIP Lifetime membership at any time.


What brand of equipment do you use on the competition platform? 

We use Dynabody Monolifts and Competition Benches (or equivalent), either the SportsKraft (30kg) or Texas Squat Bar (25kg) for squats, the F8 Bench Bar (25kg) or Eleiko (20kg) bar for bench, the Kabuki (20kg) or Texas Deadlift bar (20kg) for deadlifts and Gopher (25lb) or Rogue EZ-Curl (30lb) strict curl bars. Strict Curl competitions will be conducted against an immoveable wall or structure and use calibrated pound plates. Calibrated kilo plates and 2.5kg collars (of various pre-approved brands) are standard. Please note, all monolifts or competition benches, calibrated plates and bars not produced by Dynabody must be pre-approved prior to any event. 


How is the 365 SWPF different from all other federations?

Top 10 variables:

  1. Provide athletes with both “Tested” and “Untested” classifications, so everyone can compete against like competition

  2. The VIP Lifetime membership provides athletes with the most value for the dollar in the sport today

  3. Equipment approval: most all brand name products are approved for competition. Unlike other federations, with limitations and lists, we inspect all equipment for anything that could be used as an unfair advantage all lifting categories, Raw, Raw Classic, Single-Ply, Multi-Ply and Unlimited. So, if the material makeup of the gear meets what’s required (re: Rule Book), regardless of brand name it will be approved for use.

  4. By our actions of living up to our ongoing philosophy of promoting athletes, event hosts, sponsors and vendors via social media, etc.

  5. Implementation of strict equipment and safety guidelines. All events utilize calibrated plates and bars, monolifts (with safety straps), benches (with face savers) and custom squat, bench, deadlift and curl bars.

  6. We create an ideal competition environment that’s conducive to maximizing athletic performance. First, we want to lesson an athlete's pre-meet anxiety by continuously communicating (via email or text) the meet information and updates competitors need to know.  Second, selecting venues that proved adequate competition and warm-up space and equipment. Third, by giving lifters the option of selecting their own walk-up song to lift to.

  7. Each meet has uniquely selected and designed awards that celebrate athletic achievement.

  8. World Record certificates and certificates for achieving a particular Lifter Ranking Standard (by request), such as Pro-Elite, Master, Class I, etc. levels are provided at no additional cost to the lifters. Pro-Elite ID cards are avaiable upon request. 

  9. Kids an introductory platform for children ages (10 and under) to enjoy a deadlift only format. 

  10. Create a powerlifting culture of unity and sportsmanship for all athletes.  


What different divisions do you recognize in the "Tested" and "Untested" classification?

We include all divisions in both classifications...Open, Juniors (20-23), Submasters (35-39), Masters, M/P/F, Novice, Teenage, Youth, Para-lifter and just added by athlete request the Kids Club Deadlift only (for kids 10 and under).  


For tested athletes, how do you determine who will be drug tested after the meet?

We test between 10-20% of all tested athletes following each meet. Individuals that broke a record are considered first, followed by random selections. All tested competitors are required to complete a drug test consent form prior to the meet.


What do you think about federations that suspend or fine lifters for competing in other federation sanctioned meets?

We go about our business by controlling what’s within our control. So, how other federations conduct their business is only theirs to choose. We believe in an athlete’s freedom of choice rights. Thus, athletes are free of any federation acts of discriminatory actions, fines or suspensions.  


What do I need to know and what to bring at weigh-in?

Come prepared to, weigh in, give only your 1st attempts for each lift, bring your lifting gear (wraps, sleeves, singlet or suit, socks, shoes and any other deadlift shin guards, etc.) for an equipment check, bring your current 365 SWPF membership card, review your lifting card for accuracy, plus we’ll confirm your bar heights for squat and bench press.


If a lifter has submitted their registration form and their projected weight class differs from their actual weight at the time of weigh-in what is our policy?​

Our policy is simple, a lifters weigh class doesn't become official until they actually weigh-in! So, no action is taken and they're entered into the appropriate weigh class.


In the event a lifter bombs on squats or any other lift are they permitted to complete their other lifts?

Yes, however a crossover fee of $25 is assessed for crossing over into a push pull or single lift category. 


What crossover divisions can a Masters lifter compete in?

They may crossover into the Open, M/P/F, Paralifter and any Masters division that is younger than the division they're in. For example a Masters-4 (55-59) athlete may also compete in all above divisions, plus M3, M2 and M1 but not in an age category older than Masters-4.


Does the 365 SWPF conduct any competitions other than standard powerlifting events?

Yes, in 2023 we'll add several events, in what we call, the Power Lift Challenger Series. A series of Lift for Reps competitions in the bench press (touch and go), deadlift and strict curl. Some of these rep challengers will be added to future powerlifting meets and others will be conducted separately.  


What are the differences in federations, when it comes to membership fees, equipment, etc.?

Please review the links displayed below.  

Powerlifting Website
Event Calendar
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